HOTEL DEV INTERNATIONAL CHHINDWARA. Is a synonym of comfort & convenience that is available only at Chhindwara. If you wish to book memories go for Dev International. The well appointed Rooms & Suites are economically priced for discerning Business & Leisure Travelers as well. This hotel at Chhindwara encompasses a good stay with modern amenities and personalized services. If you wish to board a bus or book a taxi for railway station, you can get these things easily done if you stay at Hotel Dev International. As it’s located in the heart of Chhindwara City that makes distance to railway station, bus stand or booking a cab very easy. It’s just 5 minutes from the Bust Stand and 10 minutes from the Railway station makes it near and easy to commute.
42 Rooms & Suites lavishly furnished with a liberating sense of space ensuring comfort and convenience even to the most descending guest. The Accommodation at Hotel Dev International is supremely comfortable. A room which begins with a liberating sense of space – Designed to inspire its beauty while ensuring your comfort and convenience. Beyond the comfort of the bed, you'll enjoy a restful sleep because each sensory detail has been carefully refined to be just right. Moreover, our friendly staff is committed to giving personal attention to your every need. It’s the people on Hotel Dev International who make each experience so exceptional and ensure you for a memorable stay.
Why is Hotel Dev International a perfect business class hotel, you have been looking for?
Just like the hotel dev international of the eye, the portals of the hotel dev international are constantly expanding according to the changes in the hospitality industry. The guest rooms you are going to occupy consist of several wow factors, like that modish and contemporary design pleasing the eyes without a miss.
The ultra stylish bathrooms, wooden flooring rooms with muted color schemes will be the perfect companion for your comfortable stay. It is time to relax and forget the business world for a while!